how to tell if a chanel purse is realll plese help mehhh please!|||nowdays, fake designer bags are made so that they look extremely real. some ways to tell are if there is a "made in china" tag inside (obvious). the outside of the bag must be extremely well sown if it is real; any fraying thread or peeling is a sure sign of a fake. your best chance of finding and knowing that the bag is real is if you buy it straight from the store. it is too much of a risk to buy one of the internet. i am so glad that you care about buying a real one, because fake bags support gangs, drugs, and prostitution.|||Chanel is such good quality, you could never mistake a fake for a real one and if you can't tell... you don't deserve one.
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|||expensive|||if you're buying it on ebay or something, there's no way to tell unless they have shown you the interior label. compare it with the label of a chanel you know is genuine. i think even forgers are restricted from the labels on the inside due to copyright enfringement.
if it's cheap, then you already know the answer. no one would sell a real chanel for a drastic reduction.
btw, i am a sociology student conducting an anonymous study on relationships. visit:
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