Friday, November 18, 2011


whats the differnce from a replica chanel bag and the real thing..bec i heard the only dif. is that one isnt in the stores yet so its cheaper and the onther one whats the difference?

and wich one would you buy?|||A replica bag is a " fake " it's not designed by Chanel.

It's designed by other people not associated with the Chanel business trying to make money.

Chanel bags are dearer if they're authentic but you pay for quality.

I buy authentic goods so my money isn't going to some scammer.|||go with the fake bag from canal street vendors. most people cant tell the difference unless their looking inside your handbag! who cares if its real? i'd personally rather have the fake--wayy less expensive..and maybe cuter?

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|||I would buy the non replica if I could afford it. Replica means an imitation in the style of Chanel vs. the real thing. But if you're just buying for the style or trendiness associated with the name I wouldn't worry about it.|||The quality is not at good. Many times the handles will easily break, the "leather" will peel, and the zipper will easily break. If your looking to get the bag with the cc's they are usually too small or too big %26amp; people can tell its fake

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