Monday, November 14, 2011

Where is the best place in New York City to buy fake Coach or Chanel Handbags?

I want to know where the best place to buy Coach or Chanel handbags, and how much they cost generally, and if they last a long time. And, do the fake Coach and Chanel bags look exactly like the authentic ones, or not. I only want to buy a fake one if you can't tell that it's fake. Thanks.|||Just walk through the streets and you will find thousands and they will be priced reasonably and they will look real on the outside, its just normally they have a diff. lining so its not exactly the same but no one will know that except you!|||eww fake brands!!! eww y dont u just go get a different cheap one fake brands r so stupid!!!

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|||try ebay and get a real one for cheap! i have all real ones from the actual coach store and i have not had one of them ever try ebay for the real ones they will last alot longer than those fake chesy ones and you will save more money buying one that will last longer than on ones tht break.

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|||Go to this website:

You can get replica,coach,and other handbags

You can see go to the 100% real Italian leather handbags, and we accept pay on line either by Paypal or Bank Transfer/Western Union(which you can get 5% discount you paid).

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all the same as authentic coach and chanel handbags. gucci,hermes,d%26amp;g here too.

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|||how about online? but the real thing, not a fake one! see look...鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

and here is the chanel ones..鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

cute huh? and they are not fake!|||well. it's difficult to say.

I have a fake louis vuitton i got 3 or 4 years ago, and it broke within the month.

you can tell just by judgement if they look real or not.

i don't know, you just gotta risk it i guess.|||almost everyone in chinatown has them.. or battery park. the chanel look pretty authentic, but the coach look really fake in my opinion.|||flea market.

answer mine?;鈥?/a>|||Any local markets have them...

But don't buy fakes, they look cheap and you can tell. I wouldn't worry about buying popular brands just because everyone has them. Stick with your own style!|||Chinatown they say i dont know cuz i have never been there... and no they dont look the same and quality is not the same either.

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