Monday, November 14, 2011

Where can I buy an authentic Chanel purse online?

I live in Anchorage, AK and there are no Chanel boutiques here. I've been looking online for Chanel bags, but they're all replicas. The Nordstrom here doesn't carry Chanel either. Do you know a website that have authentic Chanel handbags? (Besides eBay) Thanks!|||There are no authorized websites that sell authentic Chanel. If you see one, I would seriously question it. What I would do is email Neiman Marcus and ask the personal shopper to order a Chanel bag on your behalf. I have done that before many times. The Neimans personal shopper will search all of their stores in the country and find the bag you are looking for (make sure you know what you want). If they find a Neiman store with your bag, that store will ship the package directly to you.

P.S. Renting handbags is a huge waste of money. Why spend hundreds of dollars a week for a bag that you will never own? Plus, the bag is not brand new.|||If you can, email me when you receive your bag! I'd LOVE LOVE to see what Chanel bag you bought! Congrats on your new Chanel bag. I'm sure that is an early Christmas present to you! Take care!

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|||There are some online stores that do sell the real Chanel but these are individual owners and once a person buy something they can do whatever they like with it. Real Chanel is expensive anyway you look at it. write me and I can give you the name of at least some I have brought real Chanel from. |||try www.bagborroworsteal. or something like that. You can rent authentic designer bags. I swear by it.|||

If you register, I will email you 5 credits so you can get the full experience of how the site works.

BA# 2152153|||The Chanel website has a store locator. You could always email them to ask where to buy.

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