Friday, November 11, 2011

How much does it cost to make a Chanel bag?

In reality, how much does the average Chanel bag cost to make in materials and labour? I am assuming around a few dollars?|||well i do fashion and clothing at college and real chanel bags arent made in a sweat shop i dont think so that would increase the price. Remember as well your paying for the name.Also each stitch is correctly done it has lineing inside which adds on more money instead of it being overlocked which is the cheaper option. also it is real leather or snake skin etc and basicly the best is used to create it if you get me so your paying for the quality of a product. and if it was only about 拢10 it would probably last about a month before it was a mess because it would be cheaper materials etc. But becuase your paying around 拢300 it wont just turn into **** in a matter of minutes.

if that makes sense ? a dont think it does buh yea :o) |||The cost to bring a product to market (especially a high end product like Chanel) includes a lot more than just materials and labor. The manufacturing equipment and factories cost considerable amounts, you have to design and market the product, get the materials and finished product from the place where it is made to the place where it will be used and sold, pay people to sell it, manage out-of-season inventory, etc. etc. Companies like Chanel generally operate with profit margins under 10%|||Do you mean a fake or a real.|||Prices range from $69 to $699.

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