Monday, November 14, 2011

Where is the best place in New York City to buy fake Coach and Chanel bags that are miror replicas?

I just want to know exactly where to buy Coach and Chanel fake bags in New York City that look EXACTLY like the real thing. I also want to know if the quality is good, and how long they last. I just want to buy a cheap bag (like $10-$25) that looks like the real thing and is good quality so that it doesn't fall apart the second I buy it.|||go to canal street.

the whole street has stores that sell fake stuff that looks real.

:]|||There's a flea market-type place in Soho where there are about 100 tables set up full of "designer" purses. You have to bargain with these people and don't take the first offer you get. You can pretty much find any type of designer you want there and many of them are decent knock-offs. Depending on how well you take care of your bags, I would say they last a good amount of time... probably as long as you would want to carry it before you got tired of it. Hope this helps!|||I went to newyork 1 week ago, and the best place to buy fake stuff that last 5 years(expect for CDs and Electronic)=ChinaTown. Period. Simple and straighforward.|||Check here:;;tag=funjok-20%26amp;linkCode=ur2%26amp;camp=1789%26amp;creative=9325

You will find what you like!

Good luck!

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